I used to play Aryceillan, the somewhat sinister sorcerer and occasional automaton, and Havzhiva, the chirpy paladin with poor taste in hats.
I'd be super-keen to reconnect with anyone who I used to hang out with in UDUO/UL as it has been a while!
I am thinking about something Druidic at the moment but I'm waiting to see the setting firm up a bit before making much in the way of decisions.
- Trithemius
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Sun Jan 24, 2021 11:04 pm
- Location: Australia
Siva the Younger (a magely and somewhat serious druid)
Siva the Younger (a magely and somewhat serious druid)
- Trithemius
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Sun Jan 24, 2021 11:04 pm
- Location: Australia
Re: Hello
Ave magica! Salve sodalis!
Siva the Younger (a magely and somewhat serious druid)
Siva the Younger (a magely and somewhat serious druid)
Re: Hello
Jarvin here also from UDUO/UL days! I remember you, Trithemius!
I'm still just trying to re-lean the basic interface and what sorts of character(s) I want to build.
Hopefully we can slowly get some of the old players back into the game!
Jarvin here also from UDUO/UL days! I remember you, Trithemius!
I'm still just trying to re-lean the basic interface and what sorts of character(s) I want to build.
Hopefully we can slowly get some of the old players back into the game!